Our additives offer many benefits in multiple applications, but the goal is always the same — to improve the quality and functionality of our customers’ formulations.

Timec is a leading provider of maintenance, turnarounds and capital construction services to industrial facilities across the US. We have access to a national resource pool and we routinely execute projects >200,000 manhours.

Safety and quality are our highest values and we are proud to have best-in-class safety performance each year. Timec is 5+ years without a leak on unit start-up across 100,000+ mechanical connections and had a weld reject rate of 2.25% across 15,492 welds in 2017.

Our additives offer many benefits in multiple applications, but the goal is always the same — to improve the quality and functionality of our customers’ formulations.

We pioneered a Seven-Phase Shutdown Model that drives efficiency and productivity outcomes across projects. This model includes a diligent turnaround planning process that helps us meet our customers’ key performance indicators in areas such as safety, scheduling, budget, and quality.

Timec is at the forefront of utilizing technology and developed MainT/Ain™, a cloud-based solution for real-time access to data. This data helps drive productivity in the field.